Qualifications: MD, FEBO
Area of Interest: Cataract, Vitreo-retinal surgery, Medical retina
Year of first medical qualification: 2004
Location of initial medical training: National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece
Location of ophthalmology training: Makario General Hospital, Cyprus, Red Cross Hospital, Greece
Further experience/fellowship training: Vitreo-retinal and Medical Retina fellowship Whipps Cross University Hospital, UK, Vitreo-retinal fellowship Manchester Royal Eye Hospital, UK
Year Joined Pantheo: 2014
Languages Spoken: English, Greek

Dr Yianna Antoniou holds a Doctor of Medicine degree from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and is a Fellow of the European Board of Ophthalmology.  She specialises in cataract, vitreoretinal surgery and medical retina.  Before she joined Pantheo Eye Centre in 2014, Dr Antoniou worked at Manchester Royal Eye Hospital, Whipps Cross Hospital, London, the 2nd Eye Clinic of the Hellenic Red Cross Hospital in Athens and the Makareio General Hospital in Nicosia.



Address: 1, Reubens, Limassol, Cyprus
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